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Azura grinned as he spoke, and she nodded. "Well I really like to bake, so I can pretty much this this in my sleep." She explained, the egg cracking thing, not the egg reading thing that was fully new to her.
"Well it's nice to meet you Finn, welcome to Hogwarts and to Ravenclaw." She replied to him, glad that she had gotten his name right. Finn was much easier to remember too. "Sounds great." She said with a smile as she grabbed an egg and carefully cracked it on the edge of the bowl, as close to the middle as she could get it.
"All right, well first hold the egg over the bowl, it will be easier to separate them and then drop the white in, that way we don't have to worry about any of the yolk getting into the water and ending up with well.. scrambled eggs." She said with a grin at him.
"So, take your egg and carefully hit it on the edge of the bowl as close to the middle as you can.. then, slowly pry the shell apart with your thumbs.." She demonstrated for him as the goopy clearish egg white started to ooze into her bowl.. "Then you slowly pass the yolk back and forth between the egg shells until you just have the yolk.." She again demonstrated and set the egg yolk down in a separate bowl..
Yeah, he had picked a good partner. She was totally going to be able to help him with the eggs. And she was friendly and welcoming, too. That helped make him feel a bit more at ease. "
Gotcha," he said, shifting his hand so his egg was over the bowl. "
Although, I really do like scrambled eggs. Now I want some!" Maybe breakfast tomorrow..
As soon as she started the demonstration, he listened with all his might, eyes glued to her hands. His hands were mimicking her actions as he watched. Finn eyed the middle of his egg and then gave it a tiny tap. Nothing. A little harder... nothing. Next he gave it a good thwack against the side... "
Um, oops, hold on." The egg completely plopped in the bowl, starting over was his only option. Now with moderation, his next egg cracked open with no problem. "
Alright, thumbs prying it open.." His tongue poked out of his mouth as he concentrated. He'd gotten it this time! "
Okay, back and forth, back and forth," he said, passing the yolk between the shells several times. "
Oh, stink!" He'd missed and the yolk had slipped out into the bowl.
This is hard." Cue pouty lip.