Thread: Entrance Hall
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Old 09-16-2016, 03:36 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elsa Pinkerton-Oliveira
Third Year
Default Matt and whoever wants to play!
Snuffles Sweetness | Sirius is my veil dancer

Elsa walked into the Entrance Hall, her eyes cast down, concentrating on her sketch pad - giving the finishing touches to her latest drawing. Her ears were muffled by a useful spell her mother taught her over the summer that allowed her to listen to music without having to carry around one of those muggle devices.

She did not notice the commotion happening, she did not hear it either. She was blissfully clueless until she kicked something hard with her left foot and exclaimed "Oh!" at the same time she tripped over a boy that was kneeling on the floor.

She went head first, her sketchbook flying out of her hand, and the spell broken.

"What on Merlin's name is happening !?" she exclaimed completely gobsmacked, a hand to her forehead rubbing the sore spot, as her eyes darted left and right following the pixies that seemed to be flying everywhere causing mayhem. Her eyes fell to the why she had fallen and saw that the boy - a Gryffindor - was poking the pixies. Oh for the love of.. "Stop that! Leave them be!" she said kneeling next to him giving his poking hand a slap.

Her eyes continued absorbing what was happening around them, there were a few people in the Hall. There was a girl shooting stunning spells and an Elf as well.

Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
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