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See?! Being loud and borderline obnoxious had it's perks!
TWO PARTNERS. Well, of course, Olivia was terribly flattered and pleased that people didn't mind working with her. That was hard to discern sometimes, as she wasn't the smartest girl in her year (or house, or...anything else). And she feared that others might not be interested in working with someone who wasn't a super genius or didn't know all the answers right away. This was a relief, to be honest.
"Hey, Cassie! I'm Olivia." The Ravenclaw really hadn't needed to introduce herself, as Liv knew of her, but it was wonderful all the same. There was a formality to it, and anyone that knew the blonde could understand her love of ridiculous formality. "Would you mind working in a group?" Seeing as a Hufflepuff boy had also joined their small party. "If not, I totally understand." Sometimes it was hard working in groups. It made some people uncomfortable, and she'd never want to make anyone feel that way.
...As for the cutie Hufflepuff, yeah, she recognized his face, but the name escaped her. Ash- something. This wasn't her being rude or anything, by the way. Her mind simply struggled with retaining too much information. The attention issues didn't help either. "I'd love to work with you, yes." She held out a hand for him to take, as if they were about to make a super serious business arrangement. "Olivia Phillips, good sir!"
She wanted to work with BOTH of them.
A group? This was going to be a stretch. But, he would rather just get the assignment over with. Maybe they would be too involved with deciphering the egg whites that it wouldn't actually lead to much conversation. At least that's what he hoped in his mind.
"Yeh, a group would be alrigh'," he said as he joined them with his kettle of hot water and eggs in hand. He placed them on the table and then wiped his hands on his trousers and preceded to gently shake her hand.
"I though' ye went by da name Liv?" Oh, great now he went to tell her, her own name. He was so awkward. It was a nickname like how his uncle would call him Ash.
"Eh...uh...anyways, me name is Ashwin...Ashwin Phelan," he quickly added.
"I suppose we ought ter separate dese eggs?" He pushed forward a wooden bowl that seemed appropriate for separating the yolks from the whites. He would much rather watch someone else do it, so he can either perfect their technique or learn from their mistakes.