Thread: Entrance Hall
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Old 09-15-2016, 01:55 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 224

The pixie that was pulling the girl's hair (Nat) was hit by a spell. It tumbled to the ground. The other one waved its fist in anger at her. It zoomed up. It grabbed an ear with both tiny hands and YANKEEEEEEEED. Serve her right for messing with their fun!


Fairies that hadn't departed for other parts of the Castle rushed into joining the fun. They twittered around the boy and girl (Matt and Junia). They made grabby hands at their clothing and skin.

A few did try to mess with the House elf (Tippin) by going for his ears but the elf did some of its magic and suddenly they were paralyzed. Frozen was a better word.
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