Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by PIXIES! The first victim was in for it! The pixie closest to the girl giggled after dodging any spells. It stuck out it's tongue cheekily. The pixie danced around her head. It wanted to make her turn round and round too to make the girl dizzy.
Another one of its mates took advantage of the moment to fly in closer. It too was giggling. Pixie number two grabbed handfuls of the girl's hair again. It TUUUUGGGGED. EEEEEHEHEE! ouch!!!
GET OUT OF THE HAIR!! She was not happy, not only did it hurt, but it was going to make it a full mess. UGH, she hated Pixies. Pulling her wand and pointing where she hoped they were "Stupefy..... Stupefy" Did she get any? Why were they picking on her? Wasn't there any other students around to annoy? Maybe a few first years or something. She figured if this wasn't a prank that maybe it was a first year that accidentally let them loose. So help her if she found it was that Tim kid. They were making her twirl, she didn't even like dancing all that much and now she was twirling for a pixie, Natalia didn't think so.
Moving around and swatting her wandless hand around she try to get them out anyway she could. What were they even doing out. She'd look around for the prankster if she could see, the pulling was causing her eyes to blur. Walking forward and then sideways she tried to rid her hair of the pest, but with more around she was afraid she'd attract friends. "Stupefy"
Little things were tough! WHERE WAS HELP!! PROFESSORS!!!
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