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She was hungry and her head was thinking about the Great Hall and food. Though she wondered if she should just hit the kitchen and take the food back to her room. Maybe the house elf could come get her dishes later or she'd just run them back up. Though she waned to eat now and not wait so the Great Hall it was...
As soon as she hit the entrance hall she knew she shouldn't have even tried to eat. Skipping food would have been the best option and staying at the barn, because here there were pixies all over. "Who was the brilliant mind to do this?" She wasn't wanting to deal with pixies, but yet two where already in her hair pulling.
"GET OFF" She pulled her wand out and started trying to aim above her head.
The first victim was in for it! The pixie closest to the girl giggled after dodging any spells. It stuck out it's tongue cheekily. The pixie danced around her head. It wanted to make her turn round and round too to make the girl dizzy.
Another one of its mates took advantage of the moment to fly in closer. It too was giggling. Pixie number two grabbed handfuls of the girl's hair again. It TUUUUGGGGED.