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Old 09-12-2016, 10:08 PM   #17 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
To force herself to stay here and finish, or to take a break? That was the question that was currently playing on Sam's mind. She'd tlkd herself that she could go exploring once her homework was done, but EURGH, it. just. wasn't. happening.

With a frustrated sigh, she started to pack up her things. She could at least go back up to the common room, where maybe she'd find someone to help. Her quill and parchment went into her bag, and then she absentmindedly went to return the textbook to the shelf where she'd found it. "Oh, sorreh, d'ya mind if I just put this ba..."

Oh. OH.

She was pretty sure recognised that silhouette...that hair...that stance.

"Hey Dora."
Dora turned when she heard the voice and her name... and instantly felt horrible. She had been so crazy with Sam lately, but she really had her reasons... and was holding onto them for dear life most days. A small smile did tug at her lips, though. "Hey. Want me to put that up?" She was taller, after all.

"'Before you get mad... I just got back. Like I have been to the common room, Professor Newton's office and then here. I was going to finish all of the tedious stuff then send you an owl or something." Like, she was NOT avoiding her this time, she simply had a lot to do.

And maybe she was still avoiding things a little bit. A LITTLE BIT.
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