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Tippins had to cleans yes, Tippings grabs dusty feather things. Times to dust the points pretty things. yes dustings.
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Hey Ju
Matt continued with his dance and humming for a while untiiillll someone spoke to him. He turned to see who it was and, while he stopped humming, he kept going with his moves.
"Does it look like I'm trying to impress girlsss?" He said, making a show of looking around to make a point: there was no one there but him, hellooooo! "Anddd if I wanted to impress girls, I wouldn't be dancing, I'd be doing much more FUN and DANGEROUS things that most people wouldn't do." Because THOSE things were impressive, not some ollllld dancing, Matt knew. Before he continued, he LEAPED and span around, now having his back towards the girl. "Dancing is FUN, but not dangerous. Unless you're dancing with dragons. Now THAT would be impressive, don't you agree??" He added, spinning around again to give her an eyebrow wiggle and grin.
MATT agreed!
Junia stepped quickly out of the way of the dancing boy, noting he didn't seem particularly concerned with who or what he might be dancing into. In her haste,
she didn't even see the
house elf nearby and accidentally bumped right into them.
"I'm sorry," She offered, gaze falling on the creature briefly before returning to the boy.
"You'd think he'd be the one causing collisions."
As for dancing with dragons, the second year raised her eyebrows.
"I don't think I'd want to date a boy who's just asking to be eaten by a dragon. Be a bit of a pointless relationship, what with the probable untimely death of said boy." Duh. Not very impressive at all.