Mason hadn't wanted to come to Divination after his robe was bought back by the house elves and it had turned to pink. Not that there was something wrong with pink, he actually found the color soothing, but he was afraid that he would be the only one that it had happened to.
But still, he couldn't skip a lesson just because of something like this so without his pink robe on which was tucked away in his bag and still wearing yesterdays school uniform that hadn't been changed, the Ravenclaw entered the classroom and was immediately greeted with the sight of pink all around him.
Feeling a bit better that his clothes hadn't become the only victim, the fifth year nodded at the Professor as he spotted her and said a
"Hello" as he took out his robe and put it on to match the other kids with the pink.
After finding a place to sit near the back, the Ravenclaw wrote down his information quickly and then grabbed his 'Curses and Counter Curses' book to read it before the lesson started.
Mason Winslow
Fifth year