Thread: Slytherin Wall
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Old 09-12-2016, 03:24 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Default So much drama lol
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
"YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO ME? REALLY HUGO?" She was upset and she knew tears were going to come when she got upset, but DIDN'T DO ANYTHING???? "I told you things, secret things and your response was to not speak to me. To tell me you had to get over me before we were friends again. That was the end of last term. YOU haven't talked to me since. You were my friend and now your not."


She didn't want to admit things, she didn't want to show she was so hurt by him. "If you don't want to be my friend fine, but it hurts. It hurts seeing you with the other girls just happy and flirting and like I don't even matter. I never truly mattered to you, did I? It was just all lies to get to me wasn't it? Well you got what you wanted, so I guess we are done here. " She got up and wiped at her eyes, SHE WASN'T CRYING OKAY!

"It would be more comfortable but I thought I heard you so I was waiting until you left." Bluntly honest, yep that was Nat and she was going to tell him like it was right now. He now knew she missed him and Merlin knew what else he'd assume through her words and upset actions, so why not straight up say she was avoiding him.
Woooow. Okay, stop right there.

ALL these things were unexpected because REALLY to Hugo he had done nothing wrong, like being mean or something like that. "First of all, what do you expect me to do after you tell me like a hundred times that you love Roman and that you can't see me as more than just friends?" seriously, hadn't he be patient enough? "I was honest with you when I told you that it was pretty hard to be just friends because I don't see you that way" it's not rocket science, Nat. "If you are mad because I didn't say Hi to you at the feast, then I'm sorry, okay?" Happy?

The feelings had just started to fade away and he just wanted to keep it that way so, yeah he was kind of avoiding her. Concerned to the next couple of things she said, he looked at her "Okay so just to make everything clear. I had strong feelings for you so that's why being friends right away doesn't work, okay? It's just hard" shrugged. But eventually it would happen. "And why are you worried about who I flirt with?" doesn't she have Roman to worry about? "Stop saying that I never cared about you, of course I did and I still do" was she serious? Haven't he done a lot for her? Listened to her? Kept her secrets? Secrets that he should have said but decided not to and just because now he decides to move on she gets mad? "I have always been there for you and never judge you so don't tell me that I have been a bad person to you".

He rolled her eyes at her, "Alright, I'll leave and you can take your nap"

See ya.

watching you, always watching
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