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Old 09-11-2016, 09:16 PM   #164 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christopher "CL" Lee
Third Year
Default cathing up (Professor) and staying a bit late to finish :)
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Just when he thought he was getting complete control back Daxton Prince had to follow Miss Tate's lead and leave also. He was more surprised he stayed this long than anything else. But at this point Viktor was thinking of just ending class anyway. So he was just a little early. Still he will be telling Hirsch about this. Why he had to tell Head of Houses and couldn't just do all this on his own. He did not know. But cant do anything about that now.

He saw Kettleburn extinguish the fire so that was settled. "If you two want to learn how to do that safely and with different runes you can meet me in my office whenever you're free. That goes for anyone else as well" Now Salander was asking if class was over. Which at this point he probably would not be getting their full attention anyway considering all that was happened. And now that he was getting asked what they were doing.


"Alright Class is Dismissed. We will just continue where we left off next time. No homework"

Viktor motion to them that they were free to leave and sat down at his desk.

OOC: Thanks Everyone for showing up! I will leave it open for another 24 so hours if anyone wants to catch up. But yeah like Sokolov said class is over
Echo knew that she knew the Galdr to her Dagaz rune she just had to find it in her book.... She couldnt find it in her book, it had to have been in here. Not paying attention to anything she heard that the class has ended.. "Oh Professor is it okay if i just stay and figure this Galdr out for my rune?" it was just killing her that she couldnt find her page..

Hearing students leave and packing up their things she looked up, yup class was most defiantly over, Shoving her face back in her book she screamed "YES!" she knew she saw it in her book.

Pulling her parchment over to her she wrote down the Galdr down

Originally Posted by Echo's Notes
dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
She didnt want to stay too much longer so she put her things away, she would practice the Galdr later in her room. "Thanks Professor Sokolov" she made her way to the door headed to get some food before the next class.
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