Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ Moose Torrance took back his Remembrall and set in in his lap. It felt good to have it back. He was nice enough to let it out of his grasp for just a moment.
It was nice to talk with someone new on these things. Mostly only Ace knew much about his Family Life. "No, they live all over. Two Uncle's live in London, and One lives in France. When I was younger I used to hop around between them. Until this summer." Just three of them? "Are you and Only child?" wasn't there another Tate here at school? Nick, was his name...a Hufflepuff. Maybe they're Cousins or is there some new unknown relationship that was made unknown to him until now? "So you got your Mom's smarts and your Dad's wand." That's cool. He keeps his Dad's wand too. Though he doesn't use it. It's back at Uncle Saul's in safe keeping. It did look at home in Torry's lap, Genny admitted this much.
Torry's life was getting less and less understandable the more he told her. Basically he had uncles and aunts all over and he lived with them? Wow. How? Why? She was tempted to invite him to join her family and have it easy like her. "Wow, that sounds fun though. Having to travel around the world and still be around family." The silver lining? "Do you mind if I ask where are your parents?" Hmm? She did ask cautiously, not wanting to upset him over her curiosity. However, it wasn't just curiosity, it was her concern for her friend. She wanted to make sure he lived happily.
"Yes." She was an only child. "I do have a half brother who's really old, though. Thirty or something." Pause. "And I have cousins who are married and have kids my age. So basically I have a big family, but only one sibling who lives far away." Speaking of Giuseppe, she should send him an owl soon. He hadn't heard about her Hogwarts stories since the start of this term.
Genny laughed, swaying a little away from Torry. "I wish! We don't know yet." In her eyes, she had her mom's toughness, and her dad's impatience. As for the good traits? She wasn't sure, up until now she didn't see herself half as good or great as her parents. Or her brother. |