Prof + Nimma That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Today, in another day of Cornelius Orion Baltazar's life, he was wearing PINK. His robes had been dropped off as usual PINK. He was baffled to say the leas, but considering he didn't have clean ones to wear (he wanted to be clean for miss professor blondie) he sufficed with wearing this.
Besides. He was rocking it. "Lovely day to you, Professor. How do you do?" He was ever so polite.
Cheeks already growing warm from the stuffiness in the room, Cornelius ruffled his curls. This was not good for his hair. It was going to make it stick and look oily. That's what Peyton once said when they had visited Africa on Safari.
He had just taken his seat and written on his name plate when he saw one of the house elves. "Yo, Nimma. Why're the robes pink?" He hadn't had time to ask the elf that dropped off his robes, but now that Nimma was here...
Explain YO-self.
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