IC Date, place and time: Monday, October 1st, Divination Classroom, 2PM GMT.
Entering up through the trapdoor you come into the divination classroom that looks more like a tea lounge then a modern classroom. A myriad of 50 or so circular tables are scattered about the room along with cretonne covered arm chairs and small fluffy blurbs in strong colours. The lighting is provided by the many lamps that give off a weak crimson red light. It's quite stuffy and hot in the classroom as well as heavily scented. The professor has a thing for strong scents and perfume.
The cupboards along the tower walls that usually are crammed with feathers, lithomancy stones, candle-ends, countless crystal balls and tarot desks and tea sets are today full off carton boxes of something for now undisclosed, kettles and some other necessary equipment and ingredients for today's lesson.
Divination Professor Laurel Vance can be found by her big copper kettle up front dressed from head to toe in pink attire because of a vision she had prior to class.
On the blackboard behind her a message is written in curvy handwriting that reads:
Welcome to Divination!
No assigned seats, sit where you wish..
Please use the parchment provided on the tables to make yourself a nameplate that states your name, house and year.
So that Prof Vance can start remembering all your lovely names.
Come on in students and take a seat. Keep chatting to a minimum.
OOC: Hello everyone!
Welcome to the first Divination lesson of the term. As always read the class rules before posting. I will move on/start in approx 24 hours from this.
While this is the first class OOC it's not your first class IC with Professor Vance.
Also EVERYONE should be wearing PINK attire to class courtesy of an incident that just happened in the Laundry Room. Class Progression: Hello's + first question Responses, new question + snack time Responses + main activity Class dismissed