Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Having completed her notes or well what she thought was needed for the Rune she had on her desk Hady had just turned her attention back to Sokolov. She was just about ready to get to work on writing down the chant that went with the craving on her desk when suddenly her desk began shaking. The surprise of it was only enough for her to drop her quill, in which she quickly picked. Hazel eyes turned to check out the desks near hers only to see that just one was doing the same. Brooklyn's. Hady gave her a curious look but said nothing for as quickly as the shaking had started it had also stopped. Odd.
Odd was normal around here though. Shaking her head slightly she decided to get back to work only to hear shouts. Sitting up in her chair she glanced around, eyes landing on a desk that was on fire. What in the world?!
Rather then put the flames out seeing as how they weren't actually burning anything Hady kept an eye on it. What had happened over there? Did it have something to do with the Rune craving or did someone set the desk on fire. She would watch it a bit longer and decide. Then came the professors direction for Charlotte to terminate the flames herself. Problem solved.
Hady turned her attention back to her work but was already distracted on what it was she was supposed to be doing. Therefore she turned her attention onto her notes she had taken.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |