with peeves mention astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Looking
Still she couldn't find it. She was now fully certain her marking on her desk was not a rune. Not that her looking kept overlooking the rune. She shut her book quite hard and just looked around the room frustrated. Why would he give a desk a fake rune? This just didn't make any sense to her so she looked over at Paige, "psssst Paige... Do you think the professor might have accidentally or even on purpose gave some fake runes?" She felt super dumb even asking.
Her brown eyes snapped to the front of the room where she heard someone say about shaking desks? They were shaking? "Maybe your eyes played tricks on you."
Yep that had to be it... No earthquakes here. Still a flustered blushing mess over her own rune, Paige nearly missed Nat's whisper and really only caught the tail end of it - the fake rune part*
"Hmmmmm?" she murmured, leaning over a bit to see what exactly the Slytherin was talking about. "Your rune you mean?" She even pointed for clarification, peering a little bit closer at it and smiling. "I can't remember which one that is...but I DO know that isn't fake..." she nodded, flipping through her textbook a bit and glancing up at the board to try and see which aett to work with. SPOILER!!: Professor Barrington...er...I mean...Twinkle Toes Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Well he was hoping they would just go right into his mini activity. But well not like he would just ignore questions. Poor Professor he would be."Muggles know about Eldar Furthak. It just they dont know about the magical properties associated and well actually using them magically. That answer your question?" If she had anymore he would be more than welcome to answer them.
Well if word around the staffroom was right and well Viktor did not know. Mr. Bellaire did need some aid in his magic since he apparently did not like using it at all. "You can always use more aid in your magic. Mr. Bellaire. That goes for me and everyone as well Though nothing really to say on the other meanings of the rune."
Really it was just at random. He had no idea the kid would sit in that seat. Seemed like everyone understood what he wanted them to do besides whatever was going on with the earthquake or whatever was going on. He saw no evidence that a earthquake was happening but did see a desk or two shake. But nothing after. So he will just ignore it.
"Alright seems like most of you are done with this little exercise. Excellent work everyone. Now though it might not be obvious since each of you got one rune individually. But some runes share some similarities with another. There is multiple runes that can heal like Ms. Skeeter said. But one might be better considering the circumstance. Now we will be covering today which is not in your textbook surprisingly is Galdrs. Which are basically incantations for runes. Each rune has its own Galdr. For Example Ehwaz which looks like this"  "Its galdr would be"
Viktor flick again and erased everything on the boarn. Now he wrote something new. "Yes i know they look funny and well sound funny also. But you need to say the incantation if you want anything to happen with the rune. Ehwaz is basically a runes to get yourself moving and calling on its galdr should bring you some energy to get where you have to next. Sadly Runes are never crystal clear. I will be giving you a list of all the remaining galdrs next class. Now what is a good practical use for a gadr besides blowing things up and the one i just mentioned. If you dont know. Just write down you're best guess. "
This should help them in the future blow things up in the future and much more. Which he will probably let them do. Once he worked out safety and everything.
The desk shaking did not go unnoticed, particularly when people were calling it an earthquake. Could...nonplottable structures be impacted by those? Something she wanted to ask...but since the professor seemed completely unfazed by that happening she dropped it and her gaze instead went up to the board and the professor as he spoke.
"Psst, Nat," she whispered, giving the girl a nudge. "See?" There it was, the exact same rune as the one on her desk. Not fake.
As for practical uses...well...Paige had covered what all she knew earlier, the professor himself even referring to her and causing her cheeks to flush slightly, with regards to healing runes and using galdr to accomplish this...so her hand remained down and eyes cast on her textbook.
__________________  When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes |