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"I'm thinking blue bell flames to line the path, both so people can see in case we decide on an after dinner show and because even an evening show would look nice with them." Something else that would need to be figured out. Sometimes students were allowed to put on things on the grounds in the late evening, yeah? "Who d'you think we'll need to ask for permission to put on something like this?" It had just occurred to him that in all their planning, unless this took place in the Room of Requirements, they really would be needing staff approval...and maybe even supervision.
Funny how easily he'd overlooked something like that before now. The boy grabbed a cupcake from the basket, spinning it a time or two as he tried to work that out. It would be the Headmaster most likely and he already had regular meetings with the man. Couldn't be too hard to find time to ask him. Or maybe their....their....he still didn't accept it but Professor Newton was set in charge of them now. Perhaps he was the one that needed asking.
"I still think Paige would make for a good Helga." For reasons he'd outlined over the summer. "I asked her and she seemed keen enough so I think with the exception of Salazar Slytherin, we've figured out the main cast." Which reminded him. "How's that going?"
Alice closed her eyes to visualize this, she liked the idea of it happening at night. Like a proper production. It would look amazing with the blue flame. "
That's brilliant, Really." She thought Blaise had quite a talent for this. She would be sure to let him know. "
Permission? Probably the Headmaster.. and whatever teacher that would be helping us with magic and supervision. I would suggest Professor Myers. I know he would do it."
She wasn't really used to this aspect of the theater or a role but she found herself liking it more and more. Maybe she'd have to consider such roles as she got older. Producing and whatnot. "
If you think she can do it i trust your judgement." She then shook her head. "
I haven't seen the boy i wanted to ask since term started. Do you have anyone you think would be good?" She would just say they should ask Phillip but she really didn't want his stupid girlfriend around.