sorry; we're a bit late Mischievous Niffler Kitty guided the Ravenclaws back to the common room after the feast was over. This was her first time doing it but it wasn't all that difficult. She warned the first years about the moving stairs and told them about how they would have to answer a riddle to get into the common room. "Don't worry, we'll open it for you tonight. And you can help each other find the answer on other days, I'll give you clues if I'm available." Rooney had drifted on somewhere in the back, which was good so that he help any stragglers who didn't know where to go. She moved at a slow pace anyway so there wasn't much risk for that. Then came the riddle. It went like this: I make your teeth go chitter,
At the same time I am sweet,
Some of my friends are bitter,
But people them do eat.
My name consists of two words,
With a hyphen in between,
One part is food for owl-birds,
The other one is cold, if you know what I mean.
So be careful when you choose me,
For I am more than I seem,
But don’t hesitate to take me,
I see it in your eyes, the gleam… "This one's easy." Kitty tossed her hair back and answered confidently. "Ice mice." The door swung open and they were let in. Kitty moved back to let some of the Ravens in first before entering herself. Her eyes lit up as she saw the glow in the dark table. "Hello Professor Hirsch," she said with a smile at the professor as she approached the glowing materials."Wicked! This is brilliant professor!"
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 09-09-2016 at 07:02 PM.