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Wow Bentley, way to state the obvious. Of course the Professor would tell them about the runes in his own time but he was asking if HE knew anything else, considering he'd gotten to class before him. Nerd.
The Professor's correction was received with a nod, afternoon, yes, sure. It was pretty much whatever after a morning of 'Good mornings'. Clearly he'd been learning too long and it was time for the school day to be over before even graver mistakes were made.
Again, Blaise looked to the rune on his desk, barely glancing up when the man sternly called the class to quiet down. He was already quiet, the instructions had nothing to do with him. The first question of the class however was something he was likely to need to pay attention to. What he knew about it? Well there were a few things. The Gryffindor stuck his hand, waiting patiently to give his two knuts but Char had been called upon first, and she'd dutifully quoted the textbook almost verbatim. Did she like....memorize it on the way over? Maybe he should'a gotten the kid next to him to move so she could have the spot. With her sitting here, he might seem infinitely smarter by association.
The boy simply lowered his hand, opting instead to point to his friend. "What she said, absolutely everything she said. We study together sometimes. Taught her everything she knows." And a perfectly solemn nod for the Professor before turning to Char once more and pulling a funny face at her. A sign he'd only been joking.
Bentley blinked at the Professor.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat was this class though? Why did he choose this subject again? He had no idea how to Rune or how to read runesand didn't understand what was going in. He knew Charms and Transfig and got cast spells with a thought by now (thank you grandma) but he never much paid any attention to reading or using Runes.
But Chaaaaaarlotte seemed to know....a lot.
He threw a look at Blaise when Charlotte answered. How about Charlotte do their Runes home work and he'd trade her his skill set in some other way?
"She's doing my home work." He muttered to his cousin.