~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Lancelot retired and young Timmy Jones took the shot for the lions against the next Ravenclaw player. The swingers were shot to release the stones. Gryfinndor was on a roll! This was bad for the Eagles since the blue marble only made it past the second obstacle. The red marble out shot its opponent and a few more obstacles. "Two more points to Gryffindor! Let's focus, Ravenclaw!" Kay glanced at Laurel. In her opinion, they were doing a great job so far given that this was actually their first match as hostesses. Match Standings: Gryffindor 9 points Ravenclaw 0 points Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Round 2 / Question 3 Subject: History of Magic Level: Difficult (3 points) Hogsmeade was the headquarters for which rebellion? Give year also. |