That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Daaaaaaaaang! Noelle was a bit snappy today. Was it because of their break up at the music shop? Oh deary, how awful. Cornelius wiggled his nose and flashed her his dimples in cheeky smile before going to sit next to Azura. Miss Az would be less likely to bite his head off.
He grinned at Azura, doing his best puppy dog eyes. " I appreciate that, Az." See. SEE, NOELLE. No snapping at him. It was nice.
AND the lesson started. Cornelius brought out parchment and a quill. Ohhh, the good old Furthark Alphabet. The boy has seen that chart much too often that he didn't need to jot that down. He raised his hand and...the blonde talking never shut up. At this rate his arm would either get stiff or fall asleep.
Talk about someone eating a textbook.
His turn. "The alphabet consists of runes that, when carved onto things and invoked with magic, can be of help. They also boost the power of spells." Ooooh. Why was he taking this class, again?
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