Text Cut: Timmy and Professor!
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Timmy was just standing there whistling, when this person interrupted him, now that wasn't very nice. "What wand are you on about?" Okay so maybe she had seen him drop it but for now he could play innocent right. "I don't know anything about any water or any wand." Yeah that was going to be his line of defence, "Your the one that is wet, so it was you." Timmy was now watching his wand just spinning on the floor.
"I blame you!" Timmy pointed his finger at the girl. "It's your fault." Timmy wasn't sure if he wanted to pick the wand up or not. "Is it safe to pick up the thing on the floor." Yeah he was still playing dumb. "It looks like it's angry to me." He was sure that the thing could bite if it wanted to. "And what's this thing your saying about finish or something similar?"
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Gaston heard loud voices coming from the hall near his office and went to see what all the noise was about. As he got closer, he saw a Slytherin girl and Gryffindor boy who appeared to be arguing. "What's going -?" he started to ask, but he was cut off as a sudden jet of water drenched him. He held up an arm to shield his face from the blast, but his clothes were soaked.
What? Where did that come from? Was this a prank? Maybe the students' way of welcoming a new professor? His head whipped around in the direction of the water jet, and he saw a wand spinning around like a garden sprinkler. But the really odd thing about it was that the wand was just lying in the middle of the floor unattended. Strange... why would someone just abandon their wand like that?
No time to think about it now... stop the spell first, ask questions later. Drawing his own wand, he pointed it at the rogue stream of water. "Finite!" The water jet vanished.
Gaston skidded on the puddle left behind as he picked up the unattended wand. That could be dangerous... wouldn't want anyone to slip and fall! With a quick flick of his wand, he cast a nonverbal drying spell. The dark-haired Frenchman's eyes darted from Miss Greingoth to Mr. Jones as he tried to figure out what had happened. He assumed the wand belonged to one of them. Now, Gaston, don't assume the worst, he inwardly scolded himself. After all, they could've just been i the wrong place at the wrong time. For the time being, he'd give them the benefit of the doubt. "Does this wand belong to one of you?" he asked in a non-accusatory tone.
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Timmy was just standing there waiting for the older girl to speak when suddenly a Professor turned up, now that was great and what was worse was that the Professor had picked up his stick. He had best come clean right, no point in making it worse for himself. "It's my Magical stick." Yeah that's what he would call it, "I was just practicing!" He was being truthful, it wasn't his fault that he had no idea how to stop the spell, someone had taunt him the incantation for whatever it was but they didn't tell him how to stop it.
Timmy just wondered what the Professor was going to do, maybe he would take the magic stick, well then what would he do. "Honestly Professor, I was just practicing some weird magical incantation, I wanted to see what happened." Timmy was after all a muggle born and he was in his first year.
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Gaston listened carefully as Mr. Jones told him what had happened. Magical stick? Weird magical incantation? He was beginning to wonder if the boy was a muggle born like himself. that would explain a lot... He almost laughed at his explanation. Well, he certainly had enthusiasm, that was for sure! It sounded like this whole thing had just been an accident, no reason dock house points for that. Mistakes were all part of the learning process.
"It's alright, Mr. Jones," he assured the boy, handing the wand back to him. "No harm done." Well no lasting harm anyway... "Though perhaps the corridors are't the best place to practice magic; you could accidentally hurt someone." He hated having to tell the boy off, but he couldn't have wayward spells going off in the corridors.
Gaston gave Mr. Jones an encouraging smile as he gestured down the hall toward his classroom. "There's a practice room just down the hall next to the Charms classroom. You're welcome to use it any time you want to practice spells," he said. "Everything in there is unbreakable - and waterproof - so there shouldn't be any accidents."
Which reminded him... He drew his wand again. "For future reference, when you want to stop a spell, the spell to use is Finite," he informed the boy. It seemed Miss Greingoth had tried to tell him before, but it was worth repeating, just in case he hadn't understood. He used his own wand to demonstrate. "Fi-NEE-tay," he said the word slowly and carefully, waving his wand in a sort of shield-like shape. "Be sure to copy this wand movement as you say the spell." He repeated the motion a little slower this time.
Now that that teachable moment was over, Gaston turned to the Slytherin girl who, like himself, had been hit with the spray. With a quick wave of his wand, a towel appeared, and he offered it to her. "Are you alright, Miss Greingoth?" he asked, looking at her with concern as he reholstered his wand.
Ariadne was NOT about to bother herself with some Gryffindor firstie. If he wanted to play innocent and pretend like he had no idea what she was talking about, well so be it. If he DID do that, though, she was just going to head on her merry way and not offer him the least bit of help at all. It didn't matter to her one way or the other, and she wasn't about to beg this kid to allow her to help him.
She was just about to tell him that, when out of the blue, one of the new professors showed up. Ariadne still had no idea who he was or what he taught. She hadn't even met him yet, truth be told.
"Hello, Professor," she greeted. What a first impression--she was soaking wet with a charm gone wrong. She cringed as the blast of water found the professor and basically drenched his clothes. OUCH. At least her first impression wasn't as bad as the Gryffindor boy's would be. Unless...
...surely the professor didn't think SHE was involved in this mess!
Ariadne flicked her wand out her holster to try and cast the spell she'd been telling the younger boy to do all alone. The professor beat her to it, though.
"It's his wand," Ariadne said, using her wand to point out the Gryffindor kid.
"This one's mine." She gestured to her own wand held tightly in her hand. At least the boy had owned up to the fact that it was his wand and his spell. Gryffindors could be very annoying, but that move was a plus in his direction.
Wow. The professor was really nice! He was even showing the younger boy how to perform the spell. Ariadne took a moment to perform a drying spell on herself.
"Anyone else?" she asked, offering to perform the spell on both the Gryffindor and the professor. She nodded when she was asked if she was okay.
"I'm fine. Thanks!"