Join Date: Feb 2012 Location: Penacony
Posts: 11,724
Hogwarts RPG Name: Amatheia Barrington Ravenclaw Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoebe Barrington Slytherin Seventh Year
x2 x7
| Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink It wasn't long before the wonderful silence he had going was ruined. It was to be expected after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by Saz Hale Kimi entered the Ancient Runes classroom and smiled at the professor and said "Good morning professor" Kimi took a seat at the front he was eager to learn And the award for first student to walk in goes to a Hufflepuff. Look at that. Viktor was really going to have to remember names eventually. His started with a K or something. "Don't you mean Afternoon" What did the kid just wake up. Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft This was a new class for Azura, one she wasn't super sure about. But it seemed super interesting and she wanted to try it out. So here she was. The previous classes had been interesting and she was looking forward to this one.
She entered the classroom and smiled at Professor Sokolov. "Hello Professor Sokolov. " She said with a warm smile as she glanced at the board to check and see if there were any special instructions..
It didn't seem like it, so she picked a seat in the middle of the class and waited. Ah next one in and hopefully she did not think it was morning either. Wait for it. Wait for it. Oh just a simple hello. Viktor have her a nod and watched her take a seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie It was with a heavy heart that Paige made her way to the Ancient Runes classroom that day. Heavy...but also determined. It had been quite some time since the subject had been properly offered at Hogwarts and despite the P she had received on her OWL, the school had granted her permission to pick up the subject again now that it was officially being offered again. So, in honor of the late Headmaster and to hopefully extend her knowledge of healing runes she was.
After offering the professor a meek smile as she entered with her textbook clutched to her chest for dear life, Paige made her way towards a seat aaaaaaaaaaaaall the way in the back. Left corner seat. Hopefully mostly out of view and mind from the professor all the way down in the front. Which was precisely where she pleased.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand looking down at her desk already had her mind rattling like a flutterby bush.
She had no idea which rune that was.
Um....time to crack open the textbook already it seemed. Which was a welcomed distracted from Professor Sokolov's cold stare. Ah Sokolov knew of this one. One of the few with permission to take it even though they have failed the OWL for it. Which still made no sense to him why they would offer it when Runes has no been offer for a couple years. Oh well. He was staring and only stopped when Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz While Char as a rule wasn't a huge fan of theory type subjects, Runes SOMETIMES could be super cool and fun, and it was still a novelty that they had the class again at all, and she knew her dad would be proud of her if she did well, and all in all she had plenty of reason to be excited when she arrived. She was a cheerful whirlwind coming through the door. "Hello Professor!" She said and found herself a seat right in the middle of the room. In the middle of the ACTION. YEAH. This one entered the room. Where did kids find all this energy. On second thought. Maybe he should get move on. Yeah. "Hello to you, too" Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Ancient Runes. Bentley had to admit that this tended to be one of the most unexciting classes at Hogwarts for him but he was here..again..for another class.
He dropped a 'Morning Professor' before making his way to the middle seats. Close enough to the professor to hear everything but far enough way to not get caught if he wanted to talk to his cousin, who he saved a seat for by dropping his bag on the seat next to the one he claimed. Another one who thought it was morning. Did he just wake up as well. He would not be surprised considering he did go here. "Good Afternoon to you as well"
Best, just roll with it Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Why was she here again? Why did she have the bright idea to continue with this subject even when she bombed it on her OWLs AND the fact it was a new male professor. The first few lessons hadn't went well so why would this one be any different. He was still new, she was still anxious, and she was still wanting it to just not be. Nat was going to give it ONE more try. If this time she couldn't get over things she was going to go to the headmaster and see if she could still drop it.
She came through the door and just stood for a moment. The man pretty much terrified her to be honest. His look was one that made her skin crawl and she looked to the floor and hurried to the back of the room. This was her safe zone. Once in her seat she took a few deep breaths and played with her unicorn locket.
Pulling out her book, parchment, and quill she thought about possibly bringing this up to her healer next time she saw her. Where were her girls, she could really use a smiling friend right now. And another one who Viktor knew of. Failing the OWL and still getting permission to attend. Should make for an interesting year. Since mostly everyone is starting at the basics. Sokolov gave a look at where she chose to sit and went back to greetings. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell Technically this class should be one of her best seeing how her uncle used to teach Ancient Runes at Hogwarts years ago but Trixie had tended to tune out each time her uncle went on about the Runic alphabet, the Elder Futhark and how to use runes to create spells or whatever it was he used to talk about.
She entered the class with a slight skip in her step and raised her hand in a wave to the Professor that was standing there. "Hey there Professor."
Trixie turned to see where she could sit and decided on the chair behind Charlotte. At least if she got bored during the class, she knew that the blonde in front of her would most likely keep her entertained. “Hello”
Her name started with a T right. Where was his roster when he needed it. Ah right in his office being a bookmark to a book he was reading. Quote:
Originally Posted by pundantic Chloe had done a lot of reading on Runes since being back this term. She'd heard one of the old Runes professors died the end of this summer which reignited her interest in the subject. It was all over the prophet. And her curiosity was peaked.
So much so that she shuffled into the classroom and wordlessly took a seat at the front. Close enough that she noticed the new Runes professor was a solid ten. Not like a Hirsch ten but an average attractive ten.
Well done, Hogwarts.
She didn't bother saying hello. Instead she squinted down at the rune on her desk. What in the Merlin? Quiet was good. Viktor liked quiet. He did not even mind when kids just walked to their seats and sat down. Saves him the trouble of having to talk. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Ancient Runes...
Kat had been nervous about choosing this class as an elective. She had her face in the text book over the summer and in the few weeks she had been in the lessons. Was it too late to change this choice?
So far Ancient runes were more confusing that her feelings. At least when it came time to focus on the subject of ancient runes, she could.
Kat headed into the classroom. "Hello, Professor Sokolov." Her blue eyes glanced up at the board. That was the runic alphabet. See she had learned that from the book. Great now maybe she would understand all those wavy squiggly lines now. Or maybe not.
Kat headed to a seat, only seeing Paige, and Char. But she took a seat near the front. That was suppose to help learn sitting close to the front. It made all the sense in the world to her. Seeing the rune on her desk she tilted her head looking at it. What did that mean? “Good Afternoon”
Well at least someone looked at the board. Though really nothing to see other than the what they would be learning today. Which he bet some students here already know. But whatever. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline With her satchel of books and other supplies over her shoulder, Cassie made her way to the Ancient Runes classroom ready for class. The third year wasn't quite sure what to make of the subject, but in true Ravenclaw fashion, was giving it a whole-hearted try. Stepping inside the room, there weren't that many fellow students already there but still a smattering of all the houses. Azura and Kimi were the only ones she clearly reconized however as she moved to choose a seat. "Good morning, Professor," she greeted the man as she sat down. The girl depositing her belongings on the desk top only to notice the rune there on the wooden surface. She let her fingers trace over the shape wondering its purpose as she prepared for the lesson. “Afternoon”
Three Times Now. He was going with it but counting it was amusing him now. It was also good that they were realizing the runes carved into their desks. Not totally oblivious Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea The redhead entered the Runes classroom prepared for today's lesson. Sure Ancient Runes wasn't her favourite class seeing as to how she loved Herbology more it was still a very interesting class to the fourth year. Luckily for this Professor this was a class she wasn't willing to cut, unless there was something he said she didn't agree with, then she'd be very quick to walk out.
She caught sight of the Professor & gave a wave, "Professor!" Clara plastered a friendly smile on her face before she turned to take a seat. She viewed her options & there were seats by, Charlotte, ugh Bentley (NOT sitting there), & OH- HI TWIN!
Without hesitation Clara quickly made her way to the front before taking the seat beside her sister. "Heeey." Looking down at her desk, OH look a rune. She quickly lifted it up to get a good look at it. 'Huh, wonder what this one stands for.' This was looks remarkably similar to the quiet girl who just walked in. Twin was his bet before. Since Twins and Hogwarts do seem to go together.Just the hair color. Well he will just have to find that class roster bookmark later, He really should have looked at it before. “Afternoon” Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Ancient Runes. This was perhaps the most challenging class of all for Janelle. The fact that they had a new teacher did not help matters. She hoped that she would be able to make it through successfully this term.
Entering the room, Janelle took a deep breath. "Hello Professor", she said, spotting the new Runesmaster at his desk. She sat down at the nearest empty desk and began to prepare herself for class. Taking out her textbook, parchment and quill, Janelle eyed the runic alphabet on the board. This was not going to be easy. He did love to make a class challenging. But not this early in the year. So you are lucky there. But that still depends on how much you are willing to learn. “Hello”
Merlin he was going to have to remember a ton of names. This should be fun. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo He didn't hate Ancient Runes. That was it. The whole statement. It wasn't something he would rather chew his arm off than sit through but at the same time....he'd rather be anywhere else. Nothing personal, Hogwarts just wasn't his favourite place in the world, consequently, neither were its classes. "Morning Professor." The obligatory greeting was given before the boy sunk into the seat his cousin had obviously left for him. It was for him right? A quick glance around the room found Chloe sitting at the front, so yes, this was his. Char got a wave when he noticed her sitting as close to them as she was before his attention turned to the redhead up front. The parchment he'd removed from his bag was ripped in half with one half being crumpled. Blaise set it before him on the table, leaning closer to the desk to take aim and flicking it at her to get her attention--y'know, since she'd decided to sit all the way up there.
That done, he turned to his cousin again. "What's with the runes?"
His quill floated, idle for the most part as it waited for something to happen. Four Times. Let’s see if he could get five. Now this was making him smile. “Afternoon”
Seemed like a group was forming. Not like he figured something like this would happen. So long as he did not disturb him. He would be fine with it and not have to split them up. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger It wasn’t as if Ancient Runes was particularly one of those subjects she had missed over the previous terms, even if Brooklyn didn’t feel as if she’d dislike it quite as much as some other subjects. It had merely been something she’d never thought about. Seeing as it was actually being taught again, though, she’d chosen to see if it was interesting. It hadn’t failed yet, and there was still her little mission to test the professors as well. So far she didn’t feel as if she was disrespected.
“Good morning, Professor Sokolov,” she said politely as she made her way to a desk. The fact she didn’t particularly recognize the rune decorating said desk didn’t bother her one bit, nor did the awkwardness she was smart enough to know others felt. She didn’t feel awkward at all, as he set out what she felt would be needed for the lesson and then took a different book out and settled in to wait for the lesson to start. And right on queue. Number Five. Should he actually write the time of day on the board now. Or did kids here think one in the afternoon was morning. He would keep thinking on this. Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ Moose It was still very hard to remember the New Ancient Runes Professor's name. It was practically foreign. The Lion would not going give up on remembering it properly though. In fact on his way to the class he had overheard some giddy classmates of no importance to him or anyone except maybe their relatives and the others they were being giddy with call him something like Professor Sack-O-Love.Because he was one of the Good looking Professors at School. Something Torrance would normally scoff at.
As he entered the classroom, he quickly recalled it as Sokolov. Easy-Peasy! "Hello Professor Sack-O-Love...SOKOLOV! Sokolov....that's what I said."
Good save.
Now uncharacteristically move to some seat in the back row to avoid anymore mistakes for the remainder of the class.
Torrance set his Bag down beside his feet and just looked over his desk with the engraved rune on. Then just quietly traced it with his thumb. .....Sack O Love...well that was original. Haven't been called that since what he was like 6. At least he corrected himself. Still Sololov gave him a cold stare and said "Hello to you too"
One name he was going to have to remember. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana UGH.
Why had Ariadne talked herself into taking Runes? She hated Runes! Runes were super boring, even though she had been told they were also super useful. Who knew...maybe this professor could liven things up a bit... Maybe... "Hello, Professor Sokolov! Welcome to Hogwarts," she said. He may have been here before as a student, but she was way too young to know anything about that. She did a mental cringe as she saw runes everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Was it too late to say nevermind and just walk back out the classroom?
Yes. It was. Ariadne took a seat and focused instead on who was walking into the room. HIII, FRIENDS! HIIII! More like a welcome back but really anyway he could see the cringe for here and well that was one thing he was going to have to fix. Ancient Runes was at least more fun than Arithmancy. He would call anyone out who disagrees even the Arith Professor. He gave her a welcoming nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Runes was a hard class. Not too hard, but interesting hard... the kind of hard that meant Katy actually had to pay attention and couldn't spend the lectures drawing pictures of the back of people's heads.
Some people had very interesting backs of their heads.
She found a seat near Kat, tugging on Char's sleeve as she slipped past her. If Bast was here, it would be all her favorite people in one place. As it stood, it was just MOSTLY all her favorites.
"Hullo, Professor." He was handsome, wasn't he? Too serious, but he had a very good jaw. This one opted to find a seat first. Whatever works for you kid. Viktor gave her a nod. He was starting to sound like a broken record. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles There were three reasons why Takeru Asakura was taking Ancient Runes. 1. He had to take another elective. 2. He wasn't about to take Care of Magical Creatures, Divination or something insane like Arthimancy and 3. He had to take another elective.
Slipping into class quietly the first year stopped and looked around. There were a number of people already filling out spots. Already he could spit Blaise and Bentley and Chloe. Sitting beside them though...he didn't want to interrupt the two boys again. And Chloe had said that all boys were stupid....
Taking a deep breath Tak shuffled toward the front of the class. The bruise on his face was almost completely gone now, so he felt a bit better about that now that people couldn't judge him for it. Counting a few seats away from Chloe he slipped into his chair and quickly averted his eyes from the professor that everyone seemed to be greeting Best three reasons really besides the obvious in wanting to be a curse breaker. Which was mostly why people take the class and arithmancy. For the OWL of course.
Quiet and finding a seat.
Good. Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur Ancient runes.
Noelle sighed as she entered the class. She looked at the board and saw foreign letters.... Or she thought they were letters. Merlin. This was going to be a class. Why has she picked it again??
Not to mention how full it was.
Seats were open but Noelle wanted to sit by someone familiar. If that was possible. She sensed she would need help in the class. Knowing someone would prove beneficial.
AZ! Thank Merlin!
Noelle made her way over to her and plopped down beside. Her face breaking into a smile. "youre the best thing I've seen all day." She whispered to her bestie.
Now onto the professor. "Professor." Noelle said with a smile on greeting. Then waited for class to start. This one not soo quiet. But she found a seat. Still it made him think. He hasn't had to deal with someone wanting to stand the whole lesson.
Would be interesting at least.
Another welcoming nod sent her way. Quote:
Originally Posted by nicole black Ruin magic was special to the Gryffindor witch. It was some of the first magic she had ever fully grasped and been able to perform perfectly and it was a key component in her alchemical studies. She took it seriously and after being taught briefly by the late Abraham Botros Aslan had high expectations for whoever thought themselves clever enough to teach ancient ruins.
Professor Sokolov had yet to have earned ether her scorn, or her admiration.
She would, if pressed, had said that he was aesthetically pleasing but that was hardly a shock considering Hogwarts only seemed to employ Professors of a certain level of beauty and Sokolov fit into that slot nicely.
The classroom was already filling up and Aslan didn't see anyone she particularly wanted to sit by. Brian had not yet stepped in (she wasn't sure he was still taking this class at all), Hazel was nowhere to be seen or Esme for that matter. She shouldn't have been much surprised, and she wasn't but there was a lingering feeling. One that had shadowed her ever since the train ride and yet another fateful encounter with Daxton Prince.
It was a feeling she would not name.
But it rhymes with Smolonely.
Perhaps that was why she chose to sit next to Takeru near the front of the class. She offered the younger Slytherin a nod of acknowledgment, but otherwise was silent as she put down her patched book bag before bringing out her quill and parchment. This one seemed to be lost in thoughts but found a seat. So nothing to worry about. Best leave to her thoughts Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Okay, so this was the deal. Olivia's mum had promised her that if she could start taking her school work more seriously this year, earn higher marks than before, that she'd use some vacation time and they could visit international Disney parks this upcoming summer. LIKE THE ONE IN JAPAN! Or even CALIFORNIA. It was supposedly way bigger than the one in Florida, but until that was seen, Liv couldn't be sure. Proof was required for THIS Gryffindor gal, thank you very much.
Ahem, anyway, BECAUSE DISNEY WAS SERIOUS BUSINESS, the blonde had arrived EARLY to Ancient Runes. E A R L Y. Yes, yes, express your shock and such. This was truly a miraculous occurrence.
It was a good thing, too, because apparently Tak had just arrived, as well, since no one had claimed a spot next to him. Well, NOT UNTIL NOW, anyway. Hopefully, Trixie wouldn't be too upset since she wasn't sitting with her instead.
Slipping into the seat right beside his, Liv settled her elbow on the desk, resting her chin in the palm of her hand casually. Yup, it was just a normal day. Hai, Tak. "You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" She wiggled her brows in a playful fashion.
Also, ADHD ..... What was this marking on her desk? O.o. She'd never attended a runes lesson before, so it was completely foreign to the blonde. Foreign, but TOTALLY awesome looking.
Oh, and there was a professor person, too ... but he wasn't Gaston, who was, by the way, TOTALLY GOING TO GET IT. Yup. Just you wait and see.... Ahem. "Hello, Professor. Welcome to Hogwarts!" He seemed like a super serious man, but she clearly could've cared less about all that. Gryffindor, yeah totally a Gryffindor. Don't even need to see the tie or robes. It was as obvious as this was Ancient Runes class and he was a Professor. "Thanks"
But at least his name was not Gaston. Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Kaycee was here for one reason and one reason only... to find out if this class was worth taking. Being a seventh year and not interested in a magical career, she was on the more casual side of the learning spectrum. "Professor." she greeted as she entered the classroom.
She took a seat and debated on breaking out one of several metallic muggle pens. The announcement did just say anything to write with after all. Plus, shiny made things interesting.
And, if Maggie was coming to this class, it would be fun to see what was more distracting to her -- the pens or the Professor's face.
Completely responsible and studious Prefect was completely responsible and studious. "Prefect"
First Prefect to show up and it had to be the gryffindor one. He did not know whether to tell her to watch the hyperactive ones or not. Would she even do it or just enable them. Questions and Questions. Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm
Ancient Runes was a subject that Sean isn't really familiar nor is he good with. It is a difficult subject and Sean is just hoping he can get through his class fine and dandy. First off, he doesn't really know what they will learn. All those years of Ancient Runes classes and lessons down the drain. Was he even listening or copying notes? He doesn't even know. He can't really remember.
After eating his breakfast, he put on his Slytherin robe and headed down to his first class. Upon entering, Seas paused everything was in Runes. It feels as if he was visiting his family back in Korea where everything and every sign was in a language he can't read well. Whoah. Culture shock.
Anyway he saw the Professor up front and gave him a small nod then greeted him. "Good morning Professor Sokolov" he greeted. He's one of the new professors at Hogwarts. Sean is just hoping he is not super strict. He made his way to one of the seats, he tried to hurry it up the seats were beginning to be full. On his table he saw the same fancy letters again. He squinted his eyes trying an attempt to read it... Six Times.
Record Now.
But this one did seem a little nervous. So lets blame it on that. "Afternoon" Quote:
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl Ancient Runes.
Not Hugo's favorite class but it was...interesting at least better than Arithmancy. He had dropped off that one. The Slytherin made his way to the classroom and greeted Sokolov once he was there, "What's up, professor?" as usual. He was somewhat scary looking though but cool, yeah. Like, just look at his eyes, pretty sure he was hiding something. Mhm. Then proceeded to take a sit and wait for the class to begin. See another one understands that Runes is at least better than Arithmancy. Still not saying much but its something.
Wait The Slytherin Prefect seriously said what's up.
This was not friends meeting up or anything. Viktor nodded at him at a loss for a response. Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora Adjusting his tie and tucking his shirt back into his pants, Silas entered the classroom. Not much else was going on in his head besides being there on time. "Good morning, professor Sokolov." He greeted with a smile but stopped short at the look on his professor's face. Silas felt like the professor never seemed to be pleased with anyone around here. He decided he would just go find a seat instead of just standing in front of the professor for too long. He noticed something was on his table. What was this? A ruin piece? Interesting.... Seven Times. Now he was just hoping this would not reach ten. Then that is embarrassing and he would being to wonder if they learned here.
"Afternoon" Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixWizard Ancient Runes. Niomi has always been interested in the subject but upon arriving at Hogwarts the class wasn't offered. This year the school hired a professor and Niomi could now take ancient runes class. This excited her greatly.
Niomi arrived into the classroom and took a look around. At the moment she didn't spot anyone she knew. Maybe, hopefully some people she knew would show up late. For now Niomi headed over to an empty seat near the front and way off to the right of the classroom. On her desk she spotted a rune. She had no idea what this was or meant, but hopefully she would soon find out. Placing her book bag down, Niomi looked to the front of the classroom to see runes written on the board and the Professor standing in front. Shyly she said, "Hello, Professor." More and More people noticing the runes. Just what Viktor had hoped. Well they all will later once it was pointed out. Imaginary points given to the ones already studying the runes carved into their desks. Welcoming nod sent her way as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Juno wasn't very good at Ancient Runes, but she felt like she needed to learn them, especially if she wanted to be an Auror like her dad was. She didn't know if it was completely necessary for her to take but she thought maybe it would just be a good idea to take it anyway. You never know when something may have Runes on it!
She quietly walked in, "Morning Professor Sokolov," she said with a grin. She quickly found an empty desk and pulled out everything she would need for the class, before sitting down quietly and waiting for class to begin.
This would be interesting. Eight Times and this one was a Prefect. Sigh. "Afternoon Prefect"
He really shouldn't even be sighing since he had already given up and was just keeping count for fun. But this and the other Prefect saying what's up.
This school. Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan It was really hard to keep one's focus when such subjects are taken right after lunch. Jace rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the Ancient Runes classroom, and tried to shake off the feeling of taking a nap. Ancient Runes is a pretty cool elective to take, so the Ravenclaw was somewhat excited to learn more about it. Their first few lessons were pretty he was expecting some sort of...challenge today.
As he quietly entered the classroom, Jace shuffled to the front and gave his professor his greeting. "Konnichiwa, Sokolov-sensei." With an enthusiastic grin, he plopped down in his seat...and had a stare-down with the runes written on his desk.
Oh? Japanese was better than another Good Morning. He would take it.
He gave him a nod before watching go to his seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Runes?
Runes! "Heya Prof!" The Gryffindor Ace greeted the new Professor. He was still struggling with his name-- pronunciation mostly, he didn’t quite know how to say it. So perhaps the Professor would kindly remind them? Yes? No?
Because otherwise he'd call him Professor Socks.
Aaand he pops onto a seat near Tory, playfully swats his arm and mouths How do you say his name? then thumbs at the Prof up front. Was a 'Hey Prof' better than 'what's up'. Well the answer was yes. Since he know had to make that decision. Not one he had planned on making.Another nod was given.
But Prof was way better than Professor Socks. So he would take it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazzie Here we go again. Ancient Runes. Another subject that Owen wasn't good at. He needed his buddies to survive this, more so because the new Professor looked too hard-faced. "Good day, Professor sir." Owen said with a cautious smile and nodding as he turned towards the rest of the classroom.
Was Henry here already? How about Milo? It didn't look like it and he couldn't just stay standing near the door. So he was just going to sit next to the first kind of familiar face he could recognize. Right in the middle of the classroom. "Hey, Char."
And hey, rune in the desk.
Huh. Well it was technically day. So nothing wrong with that. Sokolov gave him a nod.
Big kid. What was he only 13 or something. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Even at Durmstrang, Mason had appreciated the Ancient Runes subject. He wasn't exactly fond of it nor was he really good at it but he managed to keep up. So after checking his schedule and seeing that the lesson would start in a couple of minutes, the Ravenclaw picked up his pace as he walked to the classroom door.
Once inside he noticed that not much had changed in the classroom, or so it seemed. He greeted the Professor with a nod of his head and a quick "Hello" before he sat down on one of the seats and opened up his bag to take out his textbook. When he placed it on his desk, the Ravenclaw noticed a symbol on it and he frowned. Then looked next to him and saw that that desk had a symbol as well.
He sat back in his chair and opened his textbook on his lap and flipped through the pages to find out which rune was written there. "And Hello to you too"
Excellent, someone was taking out their textbook. Imaginary points to you. He was almost never in the mood to give out real house points. You really have to deserve those. Unlike Paul and Justin having their little point fight at the feast.
Was amusing though. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Hadleigh Lynch had never really been one for Runes. She had always claimed to not understand them and that it was much to difficult, therefore she had been rather happy honestly that the school didn't have full on lessons recently. So if she didn't enjoy the lesson then why was she here?
Truth was after having taken her OWLs and getting an 'E' she learned it wasn't so bad. She did actually understand most of it and she was capable of using Runes in a situation that called for it. The off chance that Runes might someday come in handy for her future career in Creature Healing was what had her returning the room today and for every lesson that had been held previously.
Tucking a lock of long brown hair behind her ear the seventh year smiled as she entered the room. "Good morning, Professor Sokolov," she greeted warmly her eyes moving from the man sat in his chair up front to the board behind him. Seeing it say that they could sit anywhere she choose an empty sit somewhere between the front and the middle of the of the room. Slipping down onto the chair she took out what she would need for the lesson and set it on her desk, fingers brushing lightly over the rune that was craved there.
Slowly she looked from the craving on her desk back up to the board and then onto her professor. Yes, she was ready. The Head Girl has finally decided to join the class. Sokolov also knew she was one of the few who passed the OWL for Runes. Interesting why she would take it if not for curse breaking.
Nine Times Now. Just one more. Sokolov just nodded. Not even wanting to say Afternoon anymore. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sonea Oh oh! My first class EVER! Leesha almost couldn’t hold her excitement while entering the classroom with her bag hanging over her shoulder and her rat Flam in her pocket, safely hidden for anybody to see. Looking around her she saw that everybody just took a seat randomly so she did the same thing, wondering again how this class was going to be! This was absolutely NOT a lesson she had followed on her muggle school, that was for sure!
And about the things on the school board… She had NEVER seen anything like those symbols before! Almost as if they were forming another language… To her surprise she saw that on the table another symbol was made but what it was she still didn’t knew. She even didn’t knew WHAT for class this was! What were runes? Hmm…
Best let this snake just relax and find a seat.
Calming Down would help her and that gryffindor from before. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow Echo had to run here actually run. She peered through the doors to see that class hasn't started yet. "Hello Professor Sokolov" she said in tween her gasps and went immediately to an open seat.
Soo close to being late.
No she was not late. He would actually take points away for that because that is just disrespectful. Also he would lock the door and not let anyone else in then tell their Head of House they cut class. Always Fun for him. "Best take a seat"
They were filling up fast Quote:
Originally Posted by Somnium Contessa glided into the classroom. She looked at the professor. "Gooooood morning, Professor." The young Slytherin was excited for class. Tessa plopped down in a seat and glanced at the board. She took out her parchment and wrote the two words down before absentmindedly tracing the rune that was on her desk. She sighed and twirled her quill, not noticing the few drops of ink that landed on her parchment. She hummed a little as she glanced out into space.
Number Ten. It actually happened. Maybe Viktor was in another country to long to think this was actually the afternoon.
At least she was tracing the rune. Which was a good thing to see. Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Hadley was excited for this class. Ancient runes. Among other things, it was a secret language, or at least a secret alphabet that she could use to keep things secret from the muggles in her life. Of course, she'd teach them to her twin, because, hey, secret twin alphabet for their secret twin language.
Hads stopped when she entered the classroom. It wasn't exactly the way she'd imagined it being. Actually she wasn't sure how she imagined it looking but this wasn't it. It was just a normal classroom. How boring. Oh, well. "Hey, Professor Sock'o'love!" She gave the professor a wave and made her way down the rows of desks, looking for her friends. There was Ace and Sam, and Tory. She wouldn't get to sit next to Ace, oh well. Instead she took a seat directly behind Ace. "Hey Sam. Hey Sizzlin' Salamander. Hey, Torrance." For a second he could have sworn he thought she called him Sock o love. But he was not really paying attention at the moment. Just staring at the clock get closer and closer to the start of class. Nope sounded close enough to his name he did not even notice. He just gave her a nod and watched he.
At least she found seats with friends. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap. Something that really annoyed Lyrik about this school, was the fact that they literally didn't even care if you knew the layout of the castle or not. And when you hadn't been in said school since 1st Year, it was especially hard to navigate the fricken place without so much as a map to help you.
Irritated as she was, she was really excited for the Runes class, seeing as runes were very engrained into her own heritage. And the fact that she was amazing in Runes helped as well. "Morning, Professor Sokolov." She muttered a greeting to the occupied professor as she strolled past his desk. Choosing as seat nearest to the back of the classroom, Lyrik dumped her bag unceremoniously onto the floor beside her desk. She frowned down at the rune that was seemingly carved into her desk, running a finger over the symbol. Strange, usually runes were meant for stones or cave-walls. . . maybe this was just another one of those strange 'British-things'. Eleven. This was getting even better. Nodding to her as he looked around the room. Even if this one was a little grumpier than the best. Perhaps some of the more energetic students could send a little her way. Just a little. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginny_Fan A ball of nervous energy, Andrei entered the classroom. Ancient Runes ..... he wasn't sure how this was going to go, he had done a little reading before the start of the year, he hoped that would help
He nervously smiled at the Professor and sat down Viktor smiled at this nervous slytherin. Best let him just get used to Runes for a little before calling on him for anything. Quote:
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart Miranda entered her Ancient Runes class... Not looking forward really to learning the arcane alphabet, but it was necessary and so she went..
" Hello, Professor Sokolov... good to see you..." she smile as s ehscanned for a seat in the middle of the classroom.
'HUH?" strange markings on the desks... must be some of the runes they'd be learning about in today's lesson.... "Good to see you as well"
Another nervous one. What was it about Runes that made people nervous. Its a magical language to learn. People nervous to learn gobbledegook? Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
This professor had a great name. And the way Tory said it. MAHAHAHA! Ah, amazing. "Hi, professah Sokolov-ol'... volvo."
AH, MAN. The seats next to his FRIENDS had been taken before he could even LOOK AROUND. These people were FAST, man. Sheesh kebabs.
So Matt took a completely random seat in the middle of the classroom. If he would have to make new friends during this lesson, SO BE IT! New friends were awesome. Hopefully they'd know something - ANYTHING - about Runes, 'cos Matt didn't have a clue. "These look cool!" Helpful comment, anyone? Of course the last one to come in has to be the most out there. Volvo. He said it right the first time. Why even add to it. Viktor greeted the last one to enter, watched him take a seat and with that looked at the time, flicked his wand and slammed the door shut. Class has started. Viktor stretched and got up out of his chair. Really should have done that sooner. "Everyone, Quiet Down. QUIET" He did not mind talking before hand as long as he got your attention when class is in session. "For a reminder i am Professor Sokolov. Now everyone should know at least a little bit of the history of Runes. Such as its uses in Divination and why but best go to Professor Vance for that if you want more detail" Smirk. "Also its connection to Curse Breaking and why you have to care abou Arithmancy a little. I know its hard.. But now what we will be covering today is" Viktor flicked his wand at the board.
Making this chart appear. "Elder Futhark. Now what can you tell me about Elder Furthak besides that it is an alphabet? If you dont want to answer out loud. Just write it down" OOC: I'll be moving on in about 24 hours again.
__________________  -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |