❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya! SPOILER!!: Charlotte Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Of course Char waved at people as they came in and sat near her, or passed her, or sat far from her. Trixie, Bentley and Blaise, Clara and Chloe (which reminded her she needed to ask both of those pairs what exactly was going on because yoooo they were confusing ok), and of course her cousin got a big smile and wave too. Liv as well just because it was Liv and she DESERVED smiles and waves. And she might have spent more time watching the door and seeing who was coming in and sitting where but her attention was caught when Owen sat down next to her. "Hi Owen!" She greeted. Wow! She hadn't seen him around in a while. Was he smaller? Or... no he was still wayyy bigger than her but less roly poly? Not that she would say that out loud, she had learned SOME restraint since they'd first met, surprisingly to some. And anyways, she WAS pleased to see him, and totally cheerful about him sitting next to her. Were they going to get to work together? "Do you know much about runes?" Just a hi from Charlotte? Nothing somewhere along the lines of hey giant? Well, that's a first. He really did lose some of his belly. Who wouldn't when his friends made daily jogging a friendship deal-breaker.
So did he know much about runes? Huh. Owen started to grin at Charlotte when it occurred to him that this girl was one of the smartest, if not the smartest, in their class. He was going to look totally dumb next to her if they were going to talk about academics. This made him nervous. Rubbing his neck, he chuckled lightly in response. "No...not really. I suck at most magic-related subjects. But you, I bet you already know what our topic for today is going to be."
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Last edited by Tazzie; 09-08-2016 at 01:03 PM.