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Was there any better reason to throw it on him? She just blankly stared at him. Partly looking through him more then at him. Was this even worth it? He didn't want to be her friend anymore he made that clear last term and the entire summer that he didn't try to talk to her. Now the feast where she wasn't even really there to him. "You'd be happy ifI I wasn't here at all wouldn't you? Maybe if I'd disappear or would have transferred?"
She put her head down again trying not to be dramatic, but she was starting to feel upset and her head pounding wasn't helping anything. "Why did you even stop to question me? Do you really care or just doing your prefect job to get people not to sleep in the corridor." So much for trying to avoid him by sitting out there. She couldn't believe she fell asleep and left herself wide open to be seen.
Maybe if she got up and left he wouldn't follow her, but she didn't want to move either. The floor was comfy and Nat just couldn't get her legs and brain to work at the moment. Not with him right there looking at her.
Hugo sighed and rolled his eyes. He wasn't in the mood to be arguing or dealing with this. Too many questions and he only wanted his nap and a reasonable answer. But maybe he wasn't going to get the latter.
I'm asking you because it doesn't look like there was a reason to do it. I haven't done anything to you so, yeah. Unexpected situation there " if one thing he has been to her was nice, from the very first day they met till today and just because he decided not to say Hi to her seemed like pretty childish. Sorry. "
But if you aren't going to say anything, I'll let you sleep, though it would be more comfortable in the common room, you know not on the cold and hard ground.