Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Gryffindor switched players as first year Timmy Jones went out to take up his position with the lion shooter next to third year Jace Reed who had come on for the eagles by the starting line. Timmy seemed to have picked up some sort of luck with his next try with the shooter. He was getting his house's stone closer and closer to the Ravenclaw's stone, and the goal in extension. "3 points to Gryffindor at the end of the first round. Gryffindor leads 6-0 as we head into the second round! Come on Ravenclaw!" Laurel cheered on. Match Standings: Gryffindor 6 points Ravenclaw 0 points Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Round 2 / Question 1 Subject: Herbology Level: Easy (1 points) What is grafting?
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