Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Professor Vance walked into the gobstones building with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders against the light wind on the otherwise warm September morning, with Professor Stewart and they together set up the hall for the first match lightening the fireplaces. On the way down from the castle the two had seen some signs that the creatures and nature was beginning to prefare for the fall.
As the teams assembled Laurel put her wand to her mouth to enhance her whistle to get the players attention, a smile pursing her lips. "Good morning and welcome to the Gobstones club, today's our first Preliminary match of the season. I hope you're all as excited and geared up as me and Professor Stewart are!" Not waiting for any responses Laurel quickly signalled for the teams to choose their representatives for the first shot of the game.
"Let's begin!" Match Standings: Gryffindor 0 points Ravenclaw 0 points Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Round 1 / Question 1 Subject: Charms Level: Easy (1 point) The Skurge Scouring Charm produces what colour of light/sparks?
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