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She never thought to spend her first day at Hogwarts with a horror clown mask on her face but... It happened and she LOVED it! The thrill of doing something fun like that was just amazing! The boy, Mason was his name, was so unaware of her and the joke couldn't be better!
But just when she had grabbed him by his shoulder he looked at her, that was unexpected but it didn't mattered because... He screamed like a girl! Really screamed! Whoa! This was so fun! His face was a mask from... Real fear? Why was he so scared, it was just a mask, a scary one but... Still just a mask! Mason screamed again and walked away from her, closer toward the water edge and she opened her mouth to shout at him. "Watch out, you're..." But before she could finish her sentence Mason had grabbed her by her school robes while falling! Falling!
Now it was Leesha's turn to scream because she absolutely DIDN'T wanted to get wet and to fall into the water! She tried to free herself but Mason's grip on her robes was too strong for her, she grabbed his hands and tried to pull them away from her while desperately trying to fell backwards, away from the lake but Mason was heavier than she and he took her with him!
"NO!" She screamed from under her mask, her voice sounded muffled and then, SPLESH! She fell into the water! Something hit her in her face, Mason's elbow? She didn't knew for sure because the clown mask had shifted over her face and now she couldn't see anymore! Splashing with her arms she tried to keep her head above the water but she was disorientated because she couldn't see! STUPID MASK!
The moment his body landed in the water, Mason's arm hurt as he had hit something. But his mind wasn't paying attention to anything other than getting away from the clown. Why did Hogwarts even have clowns?! What kind of sick joke was that?!
Going under water with his head, Mason gasped for air as he came above the surface and looked around. His face was close to the clown mask and he trashed again, letting go of the robe he had in his hand and didn't even realise that under it a small first year was trying to keep her head above the water.
Like he cared!
In a matter of a couple of seconds, the Ravenclaw had swam AWAY from the clown and pushed himself up on dry land. He coughed as he sat down on the grass and took a deep breath for air.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He shouted at the person still in the water.