Bloom stood in the line where the first years were, waiting nervously to get sorted , she had read all about it from the books Kitty suggested. she studied the probability of getting into each house and Hufflepuff was the ideal choice for her since loyalty and kindness were the most valued traits in her opinion. She knew what was going to happen so everything should be fine. Bloom was lost in her thoughts when suddenly, a voice called out her name -her heart skipped a beat- it was the same voice that called out the kids who just got sorted. "it's my turn" Bloom thought . She slowly advanced to the chair where the sorting hat was , sat down , put the hat on and waited anxiously for its magic to work .
"hmm" the sorting hat murmured. long silence . "hmm" another murmur followed.
That was it Bloom thought . What she feared had happened , there was simply no place for her in any house. Her place in fact was at her old school with muggles . Still she wanted to stay at Hogwarts so badly , so she said with a fainted voice " let it just be Huff..."
"RAVENCLAW" the sorting hat yelled .
"what? why ?there must be a mistake !" were Bloom's first thoughts. but for now she was too happy she belonged somewhere to push her exclamations further . so instead she turned her head to where Ravenclaw's House table was , and headed towards it , grinning at the all the cheering coming from it .
" i'll try my best to make you proud !"