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Old 08-31-2016, 03:26 AM
Cynthia Davis Cynthia Davis is offline
Default Library Study Area

Tucked in the corner of the library is a section reserved especially for those of a louder variety. The study area features several group sized tables perfect for study groups or students wanting to work together on homework. There are also individual desks located against one of the walls. If you prefer to solitary work in areas with a bit more background noise, this is the spot for you. Prefer music? There is also a radio tuned in to the Wizarding Wireless Network located on a handful of the study tables. Be sure to ask all those in the area before turning on the radio.

Please keep the radios, as well as the conversations, at a respectable level; your fellow classmates are trying to study. As always, please remember to be respectful to those around you, this is a library after all. Please also remember to respect school property at all times. The librarian may not be as forgiving to anyone who threatens the serenity of her the library.