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Old 01-17-2016, 01:09 AM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is online now
Default Permission Slips

Hello and welcome to the Dueling Club!

This club is designed to test you and to equip you in the art of dueling. Not everything can be taught in lessons, after all, so this club is an extension, if you will. It's a way for you to harness the magic you learn in class and apply it in dangerous situations. It's meant to put you through your paces and really test your magical abilities.

However, one thing that can be guaranteed from this club is that you'll come out being better than you think you are.

The Dueling Club is a club that's open to everyone: students and professors alike. Please fill out the following form and hand it in to Professor Hirsch as soon as possible. This form would NEED to be filled out before the first meeting takes place. Failure to do so could lead to you not being able to take part in the club.


OOC: So just fill out the form and post it in this thread and you'll have made it to the club! Just make sure you read the Rules and FAQ thread before posting ^^

Text Cut: Permission Form for new duelers

On this day of ___DATE____, I do hereby give permission for ___[DUELER's NAME]___ to participate in the Dueling Club which will be hosted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

___[DUELER's NAME]___ understands that the club is intended to help develop the necessary skills for successful and safe dueling. However, he/she both also understands that due to the immersive nature of the club, injury is possible and may occur.

___[DUELER's NAME]___ has read the entirety of the Rules and Etiquette of the Club, and agree to all terms and conditions within. He/she also understands that ___[DUELER's NAME]___ will be committed to practicing safe and respectful dueling techniques, and will be held accountable for any deviation from the rules of the club and sportsmanship of the duel.

By signing this form, it is understood that ___[DUELER's NAME]___ will be enrolled in the Dueling Club and signed into the Dueling Tournament that accompanies the club. Further details as to the nature of the tournament and the club will be disclosed on the first meeting on November 13.

The following information is required about the participant.
Would Like to Participate In: (Please indicate Meetings and/or Tournament and/or Practice Hall/Assignments/Challenges)

Signed, _______[PARENT/GUARDIAN/DUELER OF LEGAL AGE]__________

For those of you who were in Dueling Club the previous terms and would like to continue with it, please just fill out the bottom part of the permission form. Your own permission form is down below.

Text Cut: Permission Form for previous duelers
Would Like to Participate In: (Please indicate Meetings and/or Tournament and/or Practice Hall/Assignments/Challenges)