Practice Room Located just to the left of the Charms classroom is another room where students may come outside of class time to practice their charmwork. The left and right walls are lined with various tables and chairs, while the middle of the room is left empty to give students plenty of room to practice their spells. Along the back wall is a bookshelf filled with every book you could ever need to perfect your charms and a record player for those who prefer some music while they work. Please remember that these books are not to leave the room without Professor Marchand's permission!
Hungry? Professor Marchand has laid out a tray of fresh cookies and various pastries just for you! There's also a mini fridge stocked with pumpkin juice and butterbeer.
Rest assured that every precaution has been taken to ensure your safety. Everything in the room has been charmed to be unbreakable and impervious to fire, water, wind, etc. In the event of an emergency, there is an intercom located to the right of the door that feeds into Professor Marchand's office. Just push the call button and he'll be there instantly! |