Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Well the little one slayed the giant right? So there Ace lay, dead and unmoving-- despite the reviving attempts-- if thats what they called it. The little ones hitting him, he could take, in fact he was trying his earnest not to burst out laughing. But Mel smacking him soundly he had to grit his teeth from coughing out as the wind was knocked out of him. Melbeats, that's what he's calling her next.
And then Hadsters said a EUOLOGY. Oh good grief it's even harder now not to burst out laughing, or applauding even, as it was a great speech. And the hair gets a special mention. He'd hair flip if only his head wasnt pressed against the floor.
And then he head a thud, heavy and with finality. Ok this he can help but raise his head and look because Gryffindor instincts-- and it was Mel.
And he cackled, quietly at first then built up to a guffaw with all the hilarity from all of this. But then the little princessy Princess actually said to amputate his leg. "Whut??"
And with that he rolled to his side, then jumped to his feet. "I AM ALLLIIIIIVVEE" cue Frankenstein thunder. |