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Old 08-24-2016, 04:18 AM
WhittyBitty WhittyBitty is offline
Default Rules and Expectations

Banner made by MuggleDinosaur

  • You are expected to show up to class on time
  • Be very careful with any food or drink you bring into the classroom
  • The Hogwarts uniform is to be worn at all times unless otherwise specified
  • Respect your fellow classmates at all times
  • Wait your turn to answer a question - interrupting others is rude and disrespectful
  • Textbooks, parchment, and quills are required for EVERY lesson so make sure to bring them

  • SS and RPG rules apply at ALL TIMES
  • Plagiarism is BAD and will NOT be accepted at any point - I will KNOW if anyone does it
  • Please do not edit posts (unless to fix coding)
  • OOC offenses will be met with OOC consequences in the same way that IC offenses will be met with IC consequences
  • Realism is always appreciated
  • HAVE FUN - this is a game and it's meant for fun!