Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry But that was a good question, why was the rumble hadn't been cleared up yet? Kat continued to stare at it as Benton started talking. Cassie was that [i[his[/i]. She might have cracked a small smile when she heard Henry's name. "Sleepover? That's cool. I stayed in the hospital for a few days because I left off of my horse. Other than that it was good." Henry had even visited her while she was there. He had bought her flowers too.
Indoor quidditch? Now that sounded like something that everyone could enjoy. "Indoor quidditch? That sounds so much fun!" Actually with the eye sore anything when have been better than this. It wasn't like there was much to do around here as it was. HOT DOGS? Haha. Come to think of it a hot dog did sound so yummy. "A cook out would be fun." Summer cookout yep seems to go together. SHE WHAT?
Benton stared at her for awhile when she said she was in the hospital. Why didn't he know about this? "You didn't get hurt really bad did you?" He would have felt really bad if a friend had gotten really hurt and he didn't even know about it to go see them. Though she did say a few days, so that had to have been bad. "Why did the horse throw you off? Was something wrong with it?" "Doesn't it though? We should so have indoor leagues. That would be so cool! Also, we could move the outdoor ones to summer then we could see more matches and it would be nicer weather, then the indoor leagues could be in the winter when it's bad outside. The snitch would be restricted, but it's still super fast so it would still be fun. " Just the thought of it made Benton excited. He'd totally play on an indoor league. "I could ask my mom if we could have one. Maybe we could have Henry and Cassie come too."
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