Fluttery Pegasi It was a long minute before Hadley could stop laughing long enough to join in. She knelt beside Ace, still chuckling softly, and poked his shoulder. Nothing. She poked him again. Still nothing. A quick shake of the same shoulder proved it. "He's gone."
Hads wiped away an imaginary tear, and stood looking as sad as she could when all she wanted to do was giggle. "Dearly beloved," she began with a mock sob. "We are here to pay our respects to the late Tenacius Salander. AKA Salamander. AKA Ace. His hair will be missed." She nodded toward Mel to indicate it was the other girl's turn to say a few words about the departed Ace.
And then Mel was falling flat on her face. Hadley rushed over to help her friend up. ""No, you fell on your face, er...chest." Oh, babysitting team up? "Yeah, sure. I have a feeling Octopus would love to see more of Ronnie. By the way, you need a better nickname for her." Because Ronnie was a bit unimaginative and all. Octavia watched in uncertain horror as both Mel and Hadley mourned their friend. "I'm sorry!" She didn't mean it really! She wasn't even using a real sword. And now she's messed up. But...but...at the same time the older girls didn't seem mad, so maybe she hadn't messed up? Um... "Yes we'll save him!!" She nodded in agreement to Ronnie. Look, see, Ronnie already had a plan! Octopus jumped to her feet and moved to the other side of Tenacius and joined in on poking and smacking him. It wasn't working. "It's not working!" They needed to do more. Mouth to mouth was too icky though. Oh! "We should ampletate his leg! That'll cure him!"
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