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Old 08-21-2016, 05:35 PM
oh its Erik ok oh its Erik ok is offline
Default Rules and Expectations

Classroom Rules
  • Be on Time. I will know if you walked in late.
  • Respect Your Peers and especially your Professor.
  • Wear your Uniform. Unless i say otherwise
  • I don't want you giving textbook answers unless i state you can. Use that brain that got you this far.
  • Try and participate. Note taking is fine. Not everyone has to talk.

OOC Rules
  • All SS Rules and General Classroom Rules apply
  • Know the difference between IC and OOC. Viktor's thoughts and personality are different from my own.
  • Be aware that some characters aren't going to know as much as other characters. A first year is not going to know as much as a seventh year. Its okay if they don't know everything or anything. Try to keep it at least a little realistic.
  • IC offenses will be handled IC, and OOC offenses will be handled OOC
  • Please refrain from editing your posts and changing your answers. Unless it is for a typo or coding mistake there should be no need to edit
  • If the class has already started. Just post your character like they were there already. If you post them arriving late. There will be points loss.
  • Finally, Lets's have Fun! If you have any question or concerns you can can contact me through VMs or PM. I will do my best to help you out!