♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe The tiny lick did go unnoticed, preoccupied at Lucas was with balancing a child who was himself balancing ice cream. But as the toppings were done being added, Lucas did see Aiden pick out the one gummy. The man chuckled, which bounced the boy a little. "Taste as good as you hoped?"
Following Aiden't pointing toward the spoons, Lucas made sure they had two, plus some napkins because this was going to get messy, and then made his way over to a table to sit. Since they were sharing, he rested Aiden on his leg, though the wings occasionally poked him in the face. Parenting, right?
With a quick ruffle of Aiden's hair, Lucas picked up his own spoon. He had to eat at least half of this, because if Aiden ate more than half.... Lucas was going to have to answer to Tala when Aiden didn't eat dinner tonight. Lucas was going to find himself in a race against time, because Aiden was so ready for this ice cream. So ready. The tiny taste and the yummy gummy bear had only made him want more, and he was determined to have A BUNCH. He settled comfortably into Lucas' leg, giggling when his wing breezed across the man's cheek. FUN.
The small boy picked up his spoon when Lucas took his own, and without a moment's hesitation he stuck it right into the bowl, burying it all the way into the center of one scoop. It wasn't a particularly well thought out move, because when he pulled the spoon back... most of the scoop came with it. Aiden looked up at Lucas, blinking in surprise, then leaned in and bit it, getting a nice big mouthful and some chocolatey mess on his face.
Yum. |