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| ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by svrangerchrista09 Henry quickly approached the counter. "ice... cream!" People sometimes thought Henry was an odd one, but he was a twin, and so he tried to do his best to be the best brother ever... but he could tell there was something on his father's mind. He could not explain why they would just leave Ollivander's. Of course there was a long line, but of course, his mother and sister were waiting for their wands. He recieved his Hogwarts acceptance letter, so what was the hold up? Being raised in the muggle world his entire life he knew nothing about what his father was about to tell him. "Dad, haha, what's wrong?" Dickson didn't know what to do. He could sit him down and just tell him the truth, but the dissapointment clouding his face was something he'd seen so many times before. When they didn't go to Disneyland Paris when they took a trip to France and when he failed to reason with Henry about Santa, and when his sister had produced some magical fungus under his bed as a prank and he couldn't get it to go away. "Son, just order your ice cream. We need to talk." Henry looked at his father with disdain. He could tell he was about to receive bad news."Alright, Mr. Abrams, I'm having a weird day. How's yours? Could I get two scoops of Butterbeer in a mini pie crust bowl? Also, do you make it with rootbeer or cream soda?" Henry waited patiently for his answer and his order. Mr. White was happy because they were in the right place at the right time. "Zephyr, do you remember me? I'm that squib who always visiting your bakery on our trip to France...? Your food is always so good! Anyways I'll be paying for my son's food as well, and I will have one scoop of Pumpkin Juice ice cream that pie crust bowl. How much is all of that by the way, we haven't really made it to Gringotts because my wife is still getting her wand with my daughter." Zeph was having a weird day too. A weirdly busy day, actually. Not that it was the first since classes had ended and the students had gone on summer vacation from Hogwarts - it seemed the minute the train had pulled into King's Cross, all the kids had run right off it and run right in his front door. He had actually cast a muffling charm on the bells on the door so they would stop chiming so darn loudly.
The ice cream man was still smiling though, happy to have all this business. After all... summer was the busiest and most lucrative part of the year for businesses like his. So he really couldn't complain... not that he would have.
"My day has been good so far and just keeps getting better," he responded, grinning at the kid. "Hope your day's been weird in a good way... do you mean like a float? I can do floats. Costs 7 sickles, if you'd prefer it that way instead of in the pie crust bowl?"
The father... recognised him? Zephyr looked at the man in surprise, blinking at him. His face looked somewhat familiar, but... he hadn't much worked the counter at the French shop, because of his absolutely terrible French, so he didn't know too many of the customers very well. He gave the man a smile anyway though, and nodded lightly.
"I can't say I remember you much, but you do look familiar! I'm glad you seem to have a knack for finding my shops." He looked up at his menu board, absently adding together the things that had been ordered. "Sixteen sickles, unless your son wants a float instead of the pie crust bowl."
He set about scooping the single scoop of pumpkin juice ice cream, leaving the son's so he could make his decision. |