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Old 08-06-2016, 01:34 AM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default House-Elf Quarters

Tucked away in between two cupboards in the kitchen a tiny elf-sized door can be found. Opening this door, too small for anyone to squeeze through besides a first or second year, will reveal the private living quarters of the Hogwarts house-elves.

This space is warmly lit due to a roaring fire that illuminates the place. Near the fireplace are a few wooden rocking chairs with little patterned cushions on them. Here the elves talk to each other about their work or discuss other elf matters. Lining the walls are bunk beds and pillows for each of those hard-working creatures to sleep on once all of their day's work is done. In spite of the beds being present in the room, there are certain house-elves that prefer to make nests beds of their own from random pillowcases, tea towels, potholders, bits of yarn, old lint, and the like.