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Paul threw some of the balls against the wall to merely amuse himself, and laughed as he watched Sam try to siphon through the ball pit. He also wasn't quite sure what she was saying about swimming, but Paul took it as "it's not like swimming!"
"Well. It's a BIT like swimming but...not really. We can honestly touch the bottom of the ball pit with our feet--" and Paul stood up straight to show her. The ball pit really only reached his waist.
A bit like swimming? Sam stopped flailing where she was and looked worried. "But I can't swim, Professeh!" she exclaimed, before realising that he was showing her that he could stand.
"Dat's all well 'n' good, Sir," she started as she rearranged herself to be more upright too. "But yeh taller dan me feh one, 'n' it's still realleh 'ard teh move, innit?" Maybe she should just throw the balls in front of her at him so they'd be out of her way? At least she had more of a target to aim at now.