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So this place had an end of term feast? To be honest, Bec was glad that the year was over and that she could go home again. She had missed her parents and little brother but of course she would not admit that out loud. She was a bit bumped out that her House didn't win the Housecup but she had tried her best even if it wasnt enough.
Dressed in her uniform, the soon to be second year sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked around. Not spotting any of her friends yet, Bec grabbed her bag and opened it up to take out some gummy worms. If this was going to be like the start of term feast she now came prepared. Casually eating the candy , she day dreamed of being back home.
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This was probably the moment she had been waiting for since the beginning of term. Yep, she had wanted it to end before it even started. Not surprising, though, right? The term had been utter rubbish from the start.
But that was neither here nor there.
What was important was that she find a seat and wait for the food. Yummy, yummy food! Glancing around the table, the soon to be fourth year took a seat beside Bec. Dora smiled at her before saying, "Are you excited for summer then? " Seemed like a good conversation starter! Besides, the blonde was doing her best to avoid contact with the less savory Gryffindor girls.
Mainly the girls in her year.
"Yeah, I am," Sam cut in with a grin, as she reached her bestie and another Gryffindor she didn't know. She slid onto the bench beside them, and ran her fingers through her short hair to check her fauxhawk was still in place.
"I'm Sam by the way," she introduced herself to the younger Lion. "Usually foun' oveh at the Ravenclaw table, but fought I'd 'ead ovver 'ere tonigh'. Me 'n' Dora go way back." She beamed at her friend, excited for the adventures she was sure her summer would hold.
"So yeh both all packed up?"