Thread: Love Chamber
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Old 08-05-2016, 01:42 AM   #12 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Text Cut: Addison and Sam
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Now Addison was not at all by any means fluent in German. She did know a couple of words and maybe some small sentences but not enough to hold a conversation. Should she have trouble with understanding anything that was written on this list Adam had given her then she would have to come back and ask him. It was that or attempt to figure it out herself and chances were she wouldn't be able to do that.

Going over the list once or twice more this time more slowly Addison let her eyes linger on a few of the items. Chocolate wasn't that odd a request but paired up with some of the other items it could be considered strange. Adam's excitement made her smile. A man whom enjoyed his work was one she had no trouble with helping out. "I'll get right on this list and see what all needs to be done. With any luck I can have most of this soon." How soon she wasn't entirely sure as it would depend on each ingredient but she would do her best. "Is there something you're wanting to really work on?" Curious really. The more she knew about what was going on in here the better it might be.
Originally Posted by Dokimoto View Post
Sam couldn't help the small smile as the man worked out his sentence. She let him finish before responding. "Yes and no I suppose. I'm relatively new. I started here," she gestured to the room at large, "as a Charmist but I have been moved over to the Thought Chamber as a Subconscious Specialist!" She was quite enthusiastic about this. Not to say she hadn't enjoyed learning about love, but it hadn't been as captivating to her as learning about the Brain.

"What is your goal here?" she asked. She could connect the dots that he was a Potioneer, but she wondered what he hoped to accomplish in the Ever-Locked Room.

”Vell,” Adam began as he pushed the small bowl of glowing fish back to where he knew they wouldn’t get knocked over on his desk. “I had un idea of vorking vith unt the basics of dut anit-love potion.” He swiveled a little on his chair. Sometimes the best way to learn things about something is to learn how to undo something. He had gotten the idea while taking apart a clock in an attempt to fix the weights that were off and causing it to be slow keeping time.

What did Sam say? He swiveled on his chair towards her. The Thought Chamber? The place with the tank of floating overly aggressive brains? Ewww… Adam coughed and tried to keep his grossed outness out of voice. “Dat sounds interesting…” He wondered what they did in that room, besides dodge the brains when they get to constricting and attacking peoples. He just hoped she wouldn’t ask him for help in that room. It kinda creeped him out. “Vhat are you hoping to learn int dare?”
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