100 Moments for the Smol Khaleesi- Sa 13+
So (as you can tell from the title), these are gonna be a bunch of fics based around the Smol Khaleesi. The Smol Khaleesi being Valeria Burton, firstborn child of Garcher. If you don't know who or what Garcher is. . . well. . . boo, you're either new or really behind *ships them so much*
And the owners of Garcher (Jess and Whit) have given me the profound honour of being able to write these here drabbles. Said drabbles will be taking place from the view of my own baby, Mason Stevens, who has basically proclaimed herself as Godmother to lil Valeria. She honestly worships this child.
I hope you enjoy them! Disclaimer: The world of HP (and everything related to it) belongs to our Kween, J.K. Rowling 
Any and all ASoIaF/GoT-references belong to his Highness, George RR Martin and the peeps over at HBO. Prompts:  Summer 2091
Age 1 Apart from the fact that little Valeria wasn’t as blond as either the original Khaleesi or a Veela, she came very close to being both. In short: she was beautiful as hell.
When Mason mentioned this to Gabby, the woman only smiled fondly at the sleeping form of her daughter and replied in a duh tone with – “I know.”
The pink-clad bundle seemed pleased by both Mason’s statement and her mother’s vanity, for her little mouth stretched into the smallest of smiles as she lay there, dark locks held back by a tiny pink bow, the most effortlessly breath-taking girl. |