Jaemin Song & Gom (it means 'bear') ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Username: Ameh Member number: 16695 House: Slytherin Character name: Jaemin Song Year: 2nd Meteorite's name: Gom Bear Meteors: The Gom Story Entry 1: The Bearening
Today I took Gom to the Astrophysics lab to make him into a pet with eyes and a face and stuff. I tried to make him look a little different from the other pet rocks, just in case something happened and he disappeared. link
---------------------- Entry 2: Introducing! Other Pets.
After Gom got a proper face and stuff, I took him outside for some sunshine and to meet Sniffler, my hedgehog. I think Sniffler was confused... and maybe a little jealous. We'll see. link
---------------------- Entry 3: Dorm Explorations
After some fun in the sun, I introduced Gom to the dorms and gave him his own nice place to sleep. And then he watched me sleep. I have some concerns. link
---------------------- Entry 4: The Plant Patch
Today I took Gom to my special plant patch in the greenhouses and showed him how to take care of plants. link |