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Old 08-01-2016, 11:48 PM   #35 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29,830
Default 3;
♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥

After the nice time spent outside, Jaemin was... exhausted. Beyond words exhausted. The small boy had maxed out his energy for the day, as he had been doing every single day since the incident in January, and he very definitely needed to go to bed. His assignments were yet undone, but... well he could get up early and worry about those then, or between classes the next day. Sleep needed to be had now.
He was carrying his pet rock still, carefully cradled in his arm against his chest, as he headed for the common room - he didn't pause to show any of that to Gom, because he spent so little time there that it didn't much matter. Instead he headed right back to his dorm, yawning softly and shuffling right over to his bed.

"This is my dorm. I share it with a bunch of other people and they're noisy sometimes, but don't let them bother you," he murmured, setting Gom down on the bedside table. Exactly where he had spent the time between now and the lesson in which Jaemin had collected him, he reminded himself with a pang of guilt. Poor Gom. "Over there is Sniffler's hutch... that's where Corny sleeps, over there, and those beds are everyone else's. You'll see."

He pulled his legs up onto the mattress and curled them under himself, trying to think of other things he should show the rock. But really... there wasn't much here that needed showing. He reached to rub one of the pipe cleaner ears and sighed softly. Soon his new pet would see his proper home. That would be better. And maybe they would just stay there forever.

"I'm really sleepy," he mumbled, voice giving a strange twinge as he spoke. Absently he rubbed his throat and flopped over into his pillow. "You can go to class with me tomorrow and stuff, and see everything all around the school. And then in a little while we can go home properly. You'll like it there more." His words were getting all sleep mumbly now. Hopefully he'd remember to put this in his journal tomorrow... "Nobody sends love potions to home... or freezes me there..."

And he was out, with Gom stalwartly sitting guard on his table right next to him. What a good pet.
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