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Paul popped up out of the ball-pit, the multi-colored orbs flying in every which direction, laughing like a crazy person. "of COURSE I knew, m'dear! I orchestrated this!" he gestured. "I thought it'd be a fun place to meet students in!" and he was right, because Sam had a ball poised in her hand OBVIOUSLY AIMED FOR HIS FACE YEAH.
And Paul DIVED underneath the spheres once more, popping up once again near the back wall where the tree was located. "Have you never been in one before, Sam?"
He orchestrated it. Of course the man who came to class in weird costumes would have orchestrated
this. She clasped the ball tighter in her handed and bided her time, her eyes following the rumbled movement of balls around the pit.
Any second now, his head would be popping up...
And it did, although her throw was too slow, and landed way after Myers had disappeared from sight again. With a sigh, she lowered herself down into the pit herself. The Professor was clearly off his rocker, but she was too curious about the whole thing just to shrug it off and head back to the castle. Instead, she started fighting her way across the pit towards where she though Myers had been headed.
"Er, Profess-eh," she said after a while fighting her way through the balls. "Yeh gots any tips on moving in 'ere? Cos, no, I ain't been in one before. 'n' I ain't cracked swimmin' get ev-ver."
It was far harder work then he made it look.