Originally Posted by Jean Granger Carl was sitting at a swing in the playground, relaxing and watching other people. It was almost the end of the school year and he was excited for the holiday to begin. Just like last year though, there were people he was going to miss. His eyes soon found an all too familiar Gryffindor in the distance, climbing up to the Treehouse. A grin appeared on his face as he got up from the swing and walked over.
The thirteen-year-old climbed up the ladder leading to the house. He peered in from the entrance aaand saw Mel! She looked pretty when her hair was in braids like that. "Do you mind if I join you?" He said, smiling. The photograph in her hands fluttered in the breeze as she sat there. Her smile was beautiful, that was the one thing she would have really loved to have gotten from her mother instead well, she’d gotten her hair…India looked so much more like her that it was almost absolutely insane – really, she was like a clone of her mother even down to the exact shade of her eyes. When she heard a familiar voice the small Gryffindor just grinned.
CARL! She loved seeing him it was too bad they weren’t able to hang out in the common room together at night…really, she would have loved to be able to spend more time with him around school because he was great a true friend. “Hey Pumpkinhead!” She smirkily grinned up at him hopping up as he came closer over.
Standing there for a moment she debated what she was doing before practically bouncing a step closer and hugging him. He deserved all of the hugs…at least that was what she told herself. “Of course you can join me!” she grinned as she took a small step backward…was that overstepping things? Hugging him like that? In the back of her mind the young Gryffindor simply thought ’What would Mika do?’ her sister had always been somewhat of a role model for her even to the point that she had taken some of her hand-me-downs gladly.
“So…do you have any plans for summer?” She asked happily as she practically bounced on the balls of her feet “I just got a letter from my sister…apparently we’re moving in with my brother? Oh…and she’s adopting her boyfriends kid…I’m going to have a sort-of-little-brother" she admitted excitedly as that was well big news…barely taking a breath she continued on plowing into her next thought without even really giving Carl the time to respond to anything what so ever "we should make plans this summer! Maybe meet in Diagon Alley with everyone or just us or anyone really and get ice cream or things at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?” She offered with a grin. “I’m thinking of getting a pygmypuff for next term and just carrying it around with me to like every single class ever…or a hedgehog? Or a ferret…I might even ask if I can bring a Jarvey with me” okay she was nervous but hopefully it just came off as excitement?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Last edited by itsjustjesse; 07-27-2016 at 09:16 PM.