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The second year badger took in a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. They didn't work, he was still freaking out. "She's driving me nuts!" He was pretty sure that he didn't mind her driving him nuts but he just couldn't fully understand what he was feeling.
Brady nodded at Professor Paul and took a seat. "I don't think sweets are going to cut it right now, Sir." Oh no they weren't, he's already tried.
Driving him nuts.
Azura was driving Brady nuts.
It took everything in Paul not to laugh. Not because he thought Brady was foolish or anything, but because it was so darn precious, he thought it was hilarious. He simply nodded and sighed. "
Women," he said, trying to sound serious about it, but of course he wasn't. It was just what Brady probably wanted to hear.
"And no sweets? What do you need, then? Tea?"
He kicked another ball in the ball pit.
"How is Miss Azura driving you crazy, Brady?" he asked curiously.