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Just when he was about to knock on the door and start yelling again a voice behind him made him jump. "THERE YOU ARE! WHERE WERE YOU?!" He was freaking out, his mind wasn't in the correct place at the moment. He really didn't mean to be yelling, he just couldn't turn the yelling switch off right now.
Brady ran into the office and took a seat. "Professor Paul? I'm going nuts! NUTS I TELL YOU!!" He just sat there looking at him.
Paul blinked at the boy.
"I was in the library getting some books because--well--" He owed no explanations to the boy! So he just crossed his arms over his chest and...stared. Wide eyed. What was wrong?!
"Is this...still to do with the hag, m'boy?" he asked gently, his tone changing slightly.
Last time Brady had come to his office in this sort of state it had been because of the hag. Was he still feeling traumatized by everything?
"Tell me what's wrong then. What's driving you nuts?" He was a liiiiiiittle concerned.